Engineering &
On-Line Water Quality
Measuring Stations are
designed and used for
detection of chemical
and physical parameters
of Ground- and Surface
Water Level & Water Gauging Stations WGS
The continuous measurement of water quantity is important for various projects like flood
forecasting, flood prevention, irrigation, climatic change monitoring but also for hydro power plant
construction and operation.
The discharge calculation is usually done by water level, cross section and flow, why an automatic
water gauging station and circular flow measurements during different water levels across the profile
in the beginning are necessary for accurate results. From this interrelation between water level and
flow rate the related values must be measured one by one or by using new technology like ADCP
(acoustic doppler current profiler). This instrument is able to deliver accurate discharge results, but
sometimes it could be tricky to calibrate the instrument.
The following measuring instruments are used to measure the discharge:
Radar Sensors are installed above the maximal water level and are not
connected with the water, so there is no doubt about damages or malfunction
during high water levels or high sediment load.
Piezo-Pressure Sensors are mounted in pipes or shafts below the water surface.
Disadvantages of this sensor types may be the sensitivity against sedimentation
and mud in surface waters and sometimes calcification in ground waters caused
by electrolysis (e.g. near trains).
Air-Pressure Sensors consist on a compressor and a pressure pipe line which is
lead below the water surface. Disadvantage of this sensors may be the abrasion
of membranes and valves as well as damages on the pipeline during high water
Water level measurement with floating body is not often used nowadays, there is also a high demand
in implementation time and material.
Gauge Boards are used for manual read outs of water levels and for check values to set and control
the automatic instruments.
Flow Measurements:
Rotation Flow Measurements are done with a heavy weight torpedo shaped sinker where a propeller
is mounted. The water flow drives the propeller and each rotation gives a signal to a counter. the
more rotations per time the higher the flow on the specific place of the cross section. There are many
different shapes of rotating bodies available.
The Tracer - Method is used for small rivers and also for ground water where for example dissolved
salt is added into the water and the time which is used to change the conductivity immediately on a
specific downstream point is measured.
Precipitation Measurement
The precipitation measurement is important for a flood forecasting and flood prevention system. The
automatically detection is mostly done by a dipping sensor, a small bowl mounted on a rocker, which
empty the bowl when it is filled and sends a signal to a data logger. The amounts of signal in a
designated time shows the precipitation.
Telefon Austria: +43 699 12 47 65 64
Telefon Indonesia: +62 856 42694822
E-Mail: office@envirtec.info
INDIA 2009
INDONESIA 2000 - 2004
On-Line Water Quantity
Measuring Stations are
designed and used for the
detection of the Water
Level and the discharge
of Surface Waters or also
the Water Level of
Ground Waters.
Overview of all project areas and
places of work via Google Maps.